Featured Services

Light Therapy

Through SOL Santa Cruz Light Therapy, the Santa Cruz community now has access to the latest in therapeutic LED technology. Commonly used for the reduction of post-injury pain and inflammation, the benefits of LED technology also include the cosmetic treatment of skin conditions including scarring, stretch marks, and age spots.

SOL Santa Cruz Light Therapy provides a safe and effective solution for those in need of fast and effective resolution of a number of common conditions.

What is Light Therapy?

SOL Santa Cruz Light Therapy is provided using the APLightsource 2000™, a revolutionary non-invasive treatment program utilizing LED (Light Emitting Diodes) and infrared light intended for the treatment of temporary or chronic pain for most types of injuries.

The unique programs available via the APLightsource 2000™ aid in cell rejuvenation — resulting in the relief of minor muscle and joint pain, arthritic pain, muscle spasms, and joint stiffness. The device promotes relaxation of muscle tissue and temporarily increases local blood circulation, ultimately speeding recovery and rehabilitation, and allowing for greater mobility and endurance.

Commonly Treated Conditions

  • Back pain
  • Ligament injuries
  • Muscle strains
  • Contusions and brusing
  • Arthritis
  • Muscular atrophy
  • Chronic pain conditions
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Tendinitis

Benefits of Light Therapy

There are many benefits associated with light therapy, all of which are offered exclusively within the Santa Cruz area through the SOL Santa Cruz Light Therapy Program. Please see some of the most common benefits listed below.

  • Increased endorphin levels
    Light therapy increases endorphin levels in human tissue and normalizes the action potential of the nervous system.
  • Faster Injury Recovery
    Light therapy stimulates tissue granulation and connective tissue projections which are part of the healing process of wounds and inflamed tissue.
  • Reduced Inflammation
    Light therapy stimulates the lymphatic system to remove waste products and cellular debris from the treated area.
  • Increased Cellular Energy
    Light therapy accelerates energy production at the cellular level by activating the cell’s power plants [mitochondria] to increase production of adenosine triphospate (ATP).
  • Increased Tissue Strength
    Light therapy stimulates collagen synthesis and fibroblast activity for increased tissue strength. Studies have shown that injured tissues treated with infrared light are markedly stronger after recovery than with natural healing alone.
  • Improved Circulation
    Light therapy causes increased production of nitric oxide (NO) which creates a non-thermal vasodilatation of capillaries in the treatment area.
  • A Perfect Light (APL)

    A Perfect Light logoIf you’re an athlete who suffers from occasional muscle pain or chronic injury, you may have tried massage and other treatments that exert pressure for the promotion of healing on the source of your soft tissue “hot spot.” If these treatments have proven unsuccessful in getting you back in the exercise saddle, consider the power of light.

    A Perfect Light (APL) is a revolutionary, non-invasive treatment program that utilizes LED (light emitting diodes) to treat temporary or chronic sports-related injuries. The treatment programs utilize photo-dynamic therapy (PDT) and LEDs to deliver safe, low-level lighting to stimulated the cells in your body, encouraging the production of adrenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) energy.

    APL’s unique programs aid in cell rejuvenation, resulting in the relief of minor muscle and joint pain – arthritis, muscle spasms, stiffness, etc – promoting the relaxation of muscle tissue and temporarily increasing local blood circulation. The brief, pain-free treatments speed recovery and rehabilitation, allowing for greater mobility and endurance.

    Getting Started

    Receiving the benefits of light therapy is easy through the SOL Santa Cruz Light Therapy Program. SOL Santa Cruz Light Therapy can be purchased by the session, or it can be purchased in a 10-session series.

    Payment for single light therapy sessions must be made at the time of service, and payment for a 10-session SOL Santa Cruz Light Therapy series can be made in two installments. The first installment of the 10-series session is due prior to the first session, and the second installment due prior to the 6th session.

    To learn more about how to harness the power of light to benefit healing and performance, contact us online or call SOL Santa Cruz at (831) 425-3588.